(251) 340-6600 Appointment

Mohs Reconstruction Conveniently Located to Serve Fairhope and Mobile, Alabama

Diagnosis, Treatment, Reconstruction, Mohs Reconstruction For Skin Cancer

Dr. Park and Dr. Rebowe often perform all aspects of skin cancer management including diagnosis, treatment, reconstruction, and monitoring. However, dermatology assistance is also common, especially removal of the defect by Mohs surgery technique in aesthetically sensitive areas to minimize the defect but still allow for repair by a plastic surgeon. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer, is slow growing, and rarely spreads. Squamous cell carcinoma is commonly found on the face and hands.

It can spread to lymph nodes or internal organs and can be life threatening. Malignant melanoma is the least common, but most dangerous type of skin cancer. Special techniques may be necessary in its treatment depending on its depth. Skin lesions are usually diagnosed by biopsy by either Dr. Park,Dr. Rebowe, a midlevel such as Lindsey Beville PA-C or Megan Vallance, CRNP, or a dermatologist, or another physician such as your primary care doctor. The treatment is then determined by Dr. Park to include excision and reconstruction immediately with a slight risk of need for reexcision for positive margins, mohs excision which involves another physician but allows for same day extirpation of the tumor while awake, or resection in the operating room with frozen section analysis. Reconstruction may require closure, grafts, or flaps. To learn more about Mohs Reconstruction Mobile patients should call us at (251) 340-6600 to schedule a consultation.

Skin Cancer

“ Dr. Park’s work is fantastic!

Dr. Park’s work is fantastic! After removing a cancerous spot on my husband’s arm in May, the wound healed quickly and the scar seemed to disappear as soon as the stitches were removed. Would definitely recommend him."

— Mobile Plastic Surgery Patient

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Led by our experienced and board-certified plastic surgeons, The Park & Rebowe Clinic for Plastic Surgery brings an artful touch to your Mobile & Fairhope plastic surgery experience, ensuring you achieve your desired transformation. Schedule your consultation today and discover for yourself why The Park & Rebowe Clinic is better by design.